Location: MO

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Spotless Mind

I am at work now and occasionally when people don’t want to die I get time to view a movie. A co-worker of mine brought a Jim Carrey movie called “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”. I hate to give an endorsement for a movie as it can be problematic. If they cuss then those who I recommended the movie to will think I think cussing is okay. However, this movie is interesting. Very quickly the story is, Boy and Girl meet and begin dating each other. After a passage of time Girl gets tired of Boy and dumps him and goes to a Psychologist to have every memory of this Boy erased from her brain. After some strange encounters with Girl after memory removal Boy finds out what she did and out of spite he does the same. He then fights the treatment to try and hold onto some of the good times they had. I won’t give away the ending but it is interesting how people without a biblical world view see their life experiences as being fulfilling in the absence of God despite how horrible those experiences may be in the moment they are happening. I don’t have all this figured out but there is some deep theological stuff going on in this movie in an anti-God fatalistic kind of way. Interesting is the best description of the movie I can give and for those who love dating as a method of finding a happy marriage should develop a way of erasing memories so that they can retain their optimistic view of a fallen system.


Blogger Lou Pickney said...

I concur with your endorsement of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I think it's an outstanding movie, and it's one that I've enjoyed watching multiple times. It's refreshing to read that there are others out there (like you) who share my outlook on the film.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasn't that like a wierd movie? i think we rented it once, and didn't even finish it. Not to mention that Jim Carrey is an odd fellow himself. It is good though, that you didn't endorse it, because as you said, that can be problematic.

1:23 PM  
Blogger T A Lucas said...

Ya, I can't say that I give it a hearty endorsement I just think it is interesting. Although, I think it does a fair-to-midlin' job of displaying the stupidity of using dating as a means of finding happiness. And if you are using dating as a means of just having a good time then you have other problems.

3:22 PM  

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