Location: MO

Friday, January 06, 2006


Telemarketers. I love them. They are a great way to practice your argumentative skills with people who do not know you. You also have the added benefit of dealing with people who live in other cultures, say those on the coasts. I feel this rounds you out as a debater when you can get a feel for how all people handle your responses to their statements. If they want you to support a charity I grill them on why I should do so and then beat the drum of the responsibilities of the local church. They never understand my points even when they say, “um-hum” approvingly, therefore I have to state them again. . . and again. . . and again. Until they want to hang up with me. I try to keep them on the phone as long as I can therefore I don’t give them the two ‘no’s’. Once they hear you say ‘no’ the second time they generally hang up so to keep them from doing this I don’t exactly say no. I hear their point and give them a counter point and we debate. I’m across the board too, a switch hitter if you will. Sometimes I will support their ideas and take them to farther extremes than they are willing to go. Such as trying to raise money for deaf poor kids I will lead them to the next logical conclusion of either robbing my neighbor and donating the money to them or of killing my neighbor and donating their good ears to the poor little kids. That last step is hard for them to agree to but I can generally get them to the edge. My response to them all depends on my mood. So next time they call I think you should ask them why they call at the times they do and ask them why they always want to talk to the woman of the house. I think they are hawks that try to prey upon the women of our homes. Since there are no women in my house I have to improvise and sometimes I create some. Well I have to go the phone is ringing.


Blogger JFC said...

Read about someone's experience with an AT&T telemarketer. It may have you ROFLOL.

11:04 PM  
Blogger A-Jedediah said...

Make up some Hmm, you ought to try to make it look like your 2 people arguing, this might be good.

7:22 AM  

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