Location: MO

Saturday, January 21, 2006


“But now a new history commences: a story of the gradual renewing of a man, of his slow progressive regeneration, and change from one world to another—an introduction to the hitherto unknown realities of life.”

This is a quote from the conclusion of a great book by Dostoevsky and I think it is a fairly accurate one on the journey of being a Christian. Although, in one sense a man is immediately regenerated by the work of Christ on the cross and this man’s subsequent repentance and faith in Him and the man is also on the road of continual regeneration from his life of sin to a life of righteousness. The repentant sinner is going from one world, one of sin and death, to another world where there is life and love. Although, one is converted he is in no way one who knows how to live a Godly life. This is the “gradual renewing of a man” and at times it seems very “slow and progressive”. The book is ‘Crime and Punishment’ and there are several biblical themes throughout it. Dostoevsky demonstrates very clearly that sin separates the sinner from the rest of society and that individualism carried to the extreme is self-destructive. The book is chiefly filled with the difficulty of bridging the separation between the guilt of sin and the humanity of man. And at the same time that this is happening the sinner is trying to deal with his desire to confess his sin and be truly free and run from his sin in the hopes of getting away with his crime. In the end humility is the answer and it is learned through repentance and love.

This sinner’s faith is just the beginning of his Christian life and therefore it is an “unknown” reality. To live in the grace of God and the knowledge of His love for sinners is not only to truly live but also to live in true reality. To live otherwise is to live in lies and the vain imaginations of man’s sinful nature.


Blogger natalie said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book. I especially liked this phrase: In the end humility is the answer and it is learned through repentance and love. True about the book, and true about life.

3:12 PM  

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