Consistency Please!
One of the classes I’m taking now is an embryology class and I have found it very fascinating. Fascinating not only by having an enhanced view of being fearfully and wonderfully made but also at how honest my text book is being. It defines a Zygote as a cell which “results from the union of an oocyte and a sperm. A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e. an embryo). The expression fertilized ovum refers to a secondary oocyte (ovum) that is impregnated by a sperm; when fertilization is complete, the oocyte becomes a zygote.” [Italics in original.] This is prior to implantation and just after conception. The zygote has 3 to 4 days to implant into the uterus but the book says that this two cell combo is a “developing human”. From the moment that fertilization occurs this organism is described as a developing human. My question is what is a 2 year old? He too is a developing human. What is a 14 year old? A developing human.
Therefore, if it is legal to kill a non-implanted developing human in the body of a woman why can’t we be consistent with our laws and kill a two or 14 year old developing human? I’ve met plenty of parents who wanted to kill their developing humans. This consistent, helpful, and obedient act towards the law of the land would definitely cut down on the teen pregnancy problem, the over crowded government schools, lack of “quality” at these government schools because of the student to teacher ratio being too out of balance, and it would cut down on the breaking of the fifth commandment. (But then again that is the Old Testament and it doesn’t apply now that we are New Testament Christians.) Think about it. No gangs to harass the big towns, shorter lines at your local markets, no screaming kids at the grocery store, and the dissolution of malls. The children would be more productive around the house, more respectful to adults, and kind to all. It sounds like a veritable paradise. These developing humans would no longer be afraid of the rod but a fear of something far more permanent. And that permanence would encourage, nay foster the development of better people and thus a better society.
And with all the dead bodies in the beginning of this consistent living we could employ Jonathan Swift’s Immodest Proposal. Think of all the trendy handbags that all the important celebrities will be sporting at the next awards show. Actually, I need to remain consistent myself so I cannot call them “dead bodies” but merely just “products of conception”. After all, that is what the zygote is called if it is aborted. Think about it. You could walk around sporting your new “Troubled Teen Bomber” jacket without the fear of some rabid P.E.T.A. anarchist running up to you and spray painting your new stylish gear. Instead of killing those poor defenseless goats and calves and turning them into soft and supple gloves we can make soft and supple guilt free gloves out of the “products of conception”. The next time you see your neighborhood brat take a tumble off his bike take note of where the scarring might be and look at your local fashion store and see if you can purchase the scar that you recognize and beam with pride to know that with each purchase you are contributing to a better society. And tell your neighbor thanks for all the care that they put into keeping their products of conception free from added scarring. Knotted wood looks nice but too many knots looks grotesque and I imagine it would be the same with bag, shoes, and what not.
Imagine guilt free lederhosen. I can foresee the Germans dancing in the streets of Berlin now. Oh, to live in a land of consistency sounds just fantastic and amazingly rewarding. The added benefit with all these new exotic purchases is that we would drive all those animal haters out of business. And maybe, just maybe we can set free all those poor defenseless bovines into the wild, like they did for all those horses in Wyoming. I think that would be more humane and natural don’t you?
Therefore, if it is legal to kill a non-implanted developing human in the body of a woman why can’t we be consistent with our laws and kill a two or 14 year old developing human? I’ve met plenty of parents who wanted to kill their developing humans. This consistent, helpful, and obedient act towards the law of the land would definitely cut down on the teen pregnancy problem, the over crowded government schools, lack of “quality” at these government schools because of the student to teacher ratio being too out of balance, and it would cut down on the breaking of the fifth commandment. (But then again that is the Old Testament and it doesn’t apply now that we are New Testament Christians.) Think about it. No gangs to harass the big towns, shorter lines at your local markets, no screaming kids at the grocery store, and the dissolution of malls. The children would be more productive around the house, more respectful to adults, and kind to all. It sounds like a veritable paradise. These developing humans would no longer be afraid of the rod but a fear of something far more permanent. And that permanence would encourage, nay foster the development of better people and thus a better society.
And with all the dead bodies in the beginning of this consistent living we could employ Jonathan Swift’s Immodest Proposal. Think of all the trendy handbags that all the important celebrities will be sporting at the next awards show. Actually, I need to remain consistent myself so I cannot call them “dead bodies” but merely just “products of conception”. After all, that is what the zygote is called if it is aborted. Think about it. You could walk around sporting your new “Troubled Teen Bomber” jacket without the fear of some rabid P.E.T.A. anarchist running up to you and spray painting your new stylish gear. Instead of killing those poor defenseless goats and calves and turning them into soft and supple gloves we can make soft and supple guilt free gloves out of the “products of conception”. The next time you see your neighborhood brat take a tumble off his bike take note of where the scarring might be and look at your local fashion store and see if you can purchase the scar that you recognize and beam with pride to know that with each purchase you are contributing to a better society. And tell your neighbor thanks for all the care that they put into keeping their products of conception free from added scarring. Knotted wood looks nice but too many knots looks grotesque and I imagine it would be the same with bag, shoes, and what not.
Imagine guilt free lederhosen. I can foresee the Germans dancing in the streets of Berlin now. Oh, to live in a land of consistency sounds just fantastic and amazingly rewarding. The added benefit with all these new exotic purchases is that we would drive all those animal haters out of business. And maybe, just maybe we can set free all those poor defenseless bovines into the wild, like they did for all those horses in Wyoming. I think that would be more humane and natural don’t you?